Felicity Sarnoff

Felicity Sarnoff

I am a 4th year student majoring in Linguistics, German, and World Language Education with minors in French and Teaching English as a Second or Other Language. I am currently working as an undergraduate research assistant in Dr. Carrie Jackson's linguistics lab. I am also working on a linguistics research project through the PIRE program. I was fortunate enough to travel to the Technische Universitaet Braunschweig in the summer of 2023 to collect data for this project. In the summer of 2021, I also had the opportunity to collaborate with the TUB to conduct a virtual research project investigating the influence of collaboration, affective factors, and comprehensibility in an online conversation setting between multilingual participants.

Project Title: 
How L2 Accented Speech Influences Grammatical and Natural Gender Prediction
Project Description: 
My project investigates how native (L1) German speakers process the speech of nonnative (L2) vs. native speakers of German, specifically looking at how L1 German listeners engage in predictive processing based on grammatical gender when hearing L2 German speech. Using the visual world paradigm and eye-tracking, we observed whether participants predicted the upcoming noun in a sentence based on the grammatical or natural gender marked on the article of the sentence. The study also investigates whether participants’ frequency of previous exposure to nonnative-accented German affects whether they engage in prediction based on grammatical and natural gender.
Dr. Carrie Jackson
Linguistics, World Language Education, German
French, Teaching English as a Second or Other Language
University Park