Blakemore Freeman Fellowships

Blakemore Freeman Fellowships are awarded for one academic year of advanced level language study in East or Southeast Asia. Eligible languages are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Burmese, Indonesian, Khmer, Thai, and Vietnamese. The Blakemore Foundation makes grants for study only at specific language programs. Please refer to the current list of approved programs.

Application Deadline: December

Year at Time of Application: 
Grad Student, Recent Alum, Senior or Beyond
Duration of Award: 
Full Year or More
No Preference
Direct Submission
Area of Interest: 
Agricultural Sciences, Architecture, Business, Communications and Journalism, Education, Engineering, Environmental and Geosciences, Humanities, Information Technology and Computer Science, International Relations Political Science and Law, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Music, Nursing and Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Statistics, Visual and Performing Arts
Earliest Application Deadline: 
Sept. – Dec.
Penn-State Sponsored: 
Fellowship Components: 
Language Learning
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