Undergraduate Research Advisory Council

Deborah Bogert

Director of UE Institutional Research

Undergraduate Education

University Park

Email: dzl147@psu.edu


Laura Cruz

Research Professor

Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence

University Park

Email: lxc601@psu.edu


Julie Fitzgerald

Assistant Director of Student Engagement

Student Affairs

World Campus

Email: jkf17@psu.edu


Peyton Hudlow

Assistant Director of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Mentoring

Undergraduate Education

University Park

Email: pkh5257@psu.edu


Carrie Jackson

Department Head of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures and Professor of German and Linguistics

College of the Liberal Arts

University Park

Email: cnj1@psu.edu


Jen Jarson

Head Librarian Lehigh Valley and Interim Head Librarian Schuylkill

University Libraries

Penn State Lehigh Valley

Email: jmj12@psu.edu


Tineka Lebrun

Director of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Mentoring

Undergraduate Education

University Park

Email: tll74@psu.edu


Karen Marosi

Director of Student Engagement & Associate Teaching Professor

College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

University Park

Email: ket2@psu.edu


Tiffany Mathews

Director of Office of Science Engagement

Eberly College of Science 

University Park

Email: tam276@psu.edu


Sarah Pierotti

Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies Program and Faculty Advisor 

Penn State DuBois

Email: slp5723@psu.edu 


Robert Rabb

Associate Dean for Education

College of Engineering

University Park

Email: rzr5557@psu.edu


Alan Rieck

Associate Vice Provost and Associate Dean

Undergraduate Education

University Park

Email: ajr83@psu.edu


Rayne Sperling

Associate Dean of Undergraduate & Graduate Studies and Professor of Education

College of Education

University Park

Email: rsd7@psu.edu


Kara Stone

Associate Teaching Professor of English

Penn State Scranton

Email: kms818@psu.edu


Darrin Thornton

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education and Teaching Professor of Music

College of Arts and Architecture

University Park

Email: dht2@psu.edu


Yi Yang 

Associate Professor of Computer Science, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Coordinator for Abington Undergraduate Research Program

Penn State Abington

Email: yzy1@psu.edu