Gerard A. Hauser Award
The Gerald A. Hauser Award is given to the exhibition entry judged to be the best overall. Named in honor of a former director of Penn State's honors program, it is accompanied by a $500 prize.
Category Awards
First, second, and third place is awarded in each of the Exhibition’s entry categories, including arts and humanities, course-based projects, engineering, health and life sciences, physical sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and oral presentations and performances.
Peter T. Luckie Award for Outstanding Juniors
The Peter T. Luckie Award for Outstanding Juniors is sponsored by the Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Mentoring office and the Penn State Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society. The award recognizes an outstanding junior entry in each of the three following areas: health and life sciences, humanities and social sciences, and physical sciences and engineering. Each award is accompanied by a $200 prize.
Information about the Penn State chapter may be found at
University Libraries' John Sr. and Kimlyn Patishnock Undergraduate Research Award: Excellence in Information Literacy
The University Libraries' John Sr. and Kimlyn Patishnock Undergraduate Research Award: Excellence in Information Literacy recognizes scholarly work based on a foundation of careful background research and literature review. The award is given to entries that demonstrate excellence in information literacy through the following: showcasing your research process and strategies; selection of sources that contribute to your argument and ideas; social, ethical, or economic considerations in accessing information; and credit and proper citation for any quotes, tables, graphs, images, and other content displayed.
Information on this award and the judging rubric may be found at the Libraries' website or by contacting Dawn Amsberry at
Data Visualization Award
The Data Visualization Award, offered by the University Libraries’ Data Learning Center, is designed to increase digital information literacy by raising awareness of the importance of data visualization and celebrating good examples. More information can be found at the Libraries website.
The Rock Ethics Institute Undergraduate Prize in Moral Inquiry
The Rock Ethics Institute Institute Undergraduate Prize in Moral Inquiry recognizes exceptional ethical research. Submissions must analyze ethical considerations encountered, integrate ethical principles into research, and reflect on implications.
Information on this award and the judging rubric can be found on the Rock Ethics Institute website.