The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management Fellowship

The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management connects people, institutions and companies that have shown a commitment to our mission, and positions them for even greater success. Specifically, we foster a network of the country’s best students, leading MBA programs and corporate partners, including Fortune 500 companies.

The Consortium awards up to 300 merit-based, full-tuition fellowships to top MBA candidates who have a proven record of promoting inclusion in school, in their jobs or in their personal lives. 


  • You are applying for admission to any of the 19 Consortium schools.
  • You are a U.S citizen or a U.S permanent resident of any race or ethnicity.
  • You demonstrate a commitment to The Consortium’s mission of “helping to reduce the serious underrepresentation of African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans in both Consortium member schools’ enrollments and the ranks of management.”
  • You hold a four-year bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in the U.S or an equivalent degree from a foreign country.

Application Deadline: Early applications, October; traditional applications, January

Year at Time of Application: 
Senior or Beyond, Grad Student, Recent Alum
Duration of Award: 
Full Year or More
No Preference
Direct Submission
Area of Interest: 
Earliest Application Deadline: 
Jan. – April, Sept. – Dec.
Penn-State Sponsored: 
Fellowship Components: 
Graduate School