Erasmus Plus Joint Master Degree Scholarship

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) funds full degree scholarships for Master-level international study programs. EMJMDs are distinguished by their academic excellence and the high level of integration of the courses between multiple higher education institutions across countries. EMJMDs are run by international consortia formed by at least three higher education institutions from different Erasmus+ Programme countries. In addition, one or more higher education institutions from Partner countries may form part of the consortium.

Application Deadline: Varies by Program

Deadlines vary across different programs and generally, deadlines for scholarship applicants run between December 1st through the end of January. For students that would like to apply for a program, without applying for the scholarship, application deadlines are later in the Spring.

Year at Time of Application: 
Recent Alum, Senior or Beyond
AHSS, IRPP, Non-Traditional, STEM, Teaching
Duration of Award: 
Full Year or More
Graduate Study, Non-U.S. Citizen
Direct Submission
Area of Interest: 
Agricultural Sciences, Architecture, Business, Communications and Journalism, Education, Engineering, Environmental and Geosciences, Humanities, Information Technology and Computer Science, International Relations Political Science and Law, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Music, Nursing and Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Statistics, Visual and Performing Arts
Earliest Application Deadline: 
Jan. – April, May – Aug., Sept. – Dec.
Penn-State Sponsored: 
Fellowship Components: 
Graduate School