Students’ lab experience helps open door to graduate school
For more information, please see the article on Penn State News...
Undergraduate Exhibition wraps up record year
For more information, please see the article on Penn State News...
72 undergraduate students awarded Erickson Discovery Grants
For more information, please see the article on Penn State News...
Judges Needed for the 2018 Undergraduate Exhibition
Faculty, emeriti faculty, staff, post-doc, and doctoral student volunteers who are experienced researchers are needed to serve as judges for the April 18 Undergraduate Exhibition at University Park.
Those interested in judging can complete the online judge volunteer form. The Office of Undergraduate Education will follow up and confirm by email.
The 2017 exhibition featured more than 250 posters and 350 student presenters, with judges playing a vital role in the success of the event and helping to further the culture of inquiry at Penn State.
Exhibition organizers are seeking volunteer judges in six broad areas of presentations: Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Health and Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Course-based Projects (all disciplines).
This year’s exhibition will also feature 5-minute performance and oral presentations, in addition to traditional research posters. Judges are needed for all disciplines and formats.
Questions may be directed to Alan Rieck, Assistant Vice President and Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education, 814-863-1864 or
Nominations open for Undergraduate Research at the Capitol
For more information, please see the article on Penn State News...
Applications for $3,500 Erickson Discovery Grants accepted starting Jan. 8
For more information, please see the article on Penn State News...
Applications open for Undergraduate Research Exhibition
April 18, 2018 HUB-Robeson Center, University Park Campus
Poster Sessions
9:15 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., First Floor Lounges, Alumni, and Heritage Hall
Penn State's annual Undergraduate Exhibition communicates and celebrates the participation of undergraduate students from across the University in research and creative endeavors. Students from all Penn State campuses are eligible to enter research posters in the Undergraduate Exhibition. In conjunction with the Exhibition, a special performing arts showcase features creative accomplishments of students. All sessions of the Undergraduate Exhibition are open to the public.
Undergraduate Exhibition Poster Guidelines and Criteria - coming Fall 2017.
Poster entries will be accepted beginning February 12, 2018.
Questions about the Undergraduate Exhibition may be directed to Alan Rieck, Assistant Vice President and Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education, at 814-863-1864 or
Record 83 Undergraduates Receive 2017 Erickson Discovery Grants
Funded through the Office of Undergraduate Education and support from Colleges
Mason Albright
College of Engineering
Application of the Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm in Nuclear Physics
Divyashree Avnoor
Eberly College of Science
3D Printing Connections with Woven Light: Design of a Solar Fiber Tension Structure Shade Prototype Using Fiber Optic Strands
Alec Baker
Penn State DuBois
Timing and Impact of Habitat Type on Black Bear (Ursus Americanus) Corn Crop Damage
Benjamin Black
College of the Liberal Arts
Conflict Incidents in the South China Sea
Josef Blaszkiewicz
Eberly College of Science
Investigation of the metabolic role of an NAD+ biosynthesis pathway in the embryonic development of multicellular organisms
Eva Bonta
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Gastronomic Tourism in Mezcala, Mexico
Gregory Busey
Eberly College of Science
A model for voltage sensor modulation of Elk1 potassium channels
Sean Clees
College of Engineering
Characterization of Vortex Breakdown in Swirling Jets
Abigail Cosgrove
College of the Liberal Arts
Do monolingual children in Central Pennsylvania show similar or different patterns of foreign-accented speech comprehension as adult monolinguals living in this area?
Brandon Davis
College of Engineering
Aptamer-functionalized nanoparticle/hydrogel composites for protein delivery
Patrick Dolan
College of Agricultural Sciences
Cacao Cultivar Impact on Lipid Content and Composition
Cadie Dunlap
Penn State Berks
Effects of Ethanol and its Response on MCF-7 Cells in Relation to Estrogenic Effects
Austin Fruin
Penn State Berks
The role of Chmp1 in Polyamine Transport and Metabolism
Nick Garner
Penn State Behrend
A study on the effect of heat-treated sections of mild steel tube during high speed uniaxial dynamic crash testing
Julia Gray
College of the Liberal Arts
Artistic Expression and Feminist Resistance in Brazil
Alex Grigas
Eberly College of Science, College of the Liberal Arts
Bilayer Formation on Protocells
Rebecca Guth
Eberly College of Science
Non-enzymatic RNA polymerization in coacervates
Tice Harkins
Eberly College of Science
Investigating Thrombosis In Vitro using Micro-PIV
Carissa Heine
College of Health and Human Development
Finding Positive Deviants for Vitamin and Mineral Status in Reproductive-Age Ghanaian Women Living in a Low-Income Setting
Jennifer Heppner
College of Agriculture Sciences
Effects of maternal stress in offspring performance speed in the Eastern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus undulatus)
Morgan Herold
College of Agricultural Sciences
The Effects of Selenoproteins on Gut Epithelial Barrier Integrity
Nicole Hessler
Penn State Berks
iMovie Literacy Study
Isabel Hunsberger
Eberly College of Science
The Search For Resistant Mutants of KKL-896 in Bacteria
David Kauffman
College of Engineering
Investigation of polymer microneedles in the treatment of autoimmune disease
Wasi Khatri
Eberly College of Science
Studying Differential Interactions between Pollen S-Locus F-Box Proteins and Pistil S-RNases Involved in Self/Non-Self Recognition
Jivtesh Khurana
College of Engineering
Active-Z Printing, A New Way to Improve 3D Printed Part Strength
Amogh Kiran
Eberly College of Science
The Effects of Breaking Spectrin Network via Tobacco Etch Virus Protease on Heart and Fight Muscle in Drosophila
Mark Klemencic
College of the Liberal Arts and Eberly College of Science
Dig a Little Deeper: Primary Literature as a Potential Enhancer of Undergraduate Psychology Education
Caitlin Komm
Eberly College of Science
Genomic Instability and DNA Damage in Transdifferentiated Neurons
Nicholas Kremp
Penn State Worthington Scranton
22 Year Release from Deer Browsing in Forest Herbs and Trees
Rachel Lamb
Eberly College of Science
The effects of competition on defense of an invasive thistle species
Jason Lehrer
Penn State Berks
The Development of a Sustainable Technology for 3D Printing
William Lieb
Eberly College of Science
Investigating Enhanced Cognitive Performance in Migratory Birds
Sarah Lorish
Penn State Berks
Under Fire
Jenna Mandel
Eberly College of Science
Investigation of Neuronal Survival after Simultaneous Dendrite and Axon Injury in Drosophila
Sanjana Marikunte
Eberly College of Science
Investigating the Role of the Cytohesin-2/ARNO Coiled-Coil Domain in Epithelial Cell Migration
Mckayla Mawn
Eberly College of Science
Understanding the Reciprocal Relationship Between Interpersonal Behaviors and Autonomic Nervous System Functioning in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder
James Mckenna
Penn State Worthington Scranton
Predicting Opiate Abstinence: The Role of Social Support and Mental Health in Opiate Addiction Recovery
Jonathan Mercier
Penn State Berks
Examining Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein as a Negative Regulator of Alcohol’s Effects in the MCF-7 Cancer Cell Line
Carley Miller
Eberly College of Science
Genetic and Age Contributions to Nicotine Sensitivity in Mice
Christian Morris
Eberly College of Science
Determining Brain Regions Underlying an antidepressant-like Phenotype in Mice
Aleia Mouchref
Eberly College of Science
Investigating trait diversity among Vibrio fischeri symbionts within the squid light organ
Andrew Murtha
Eberly College of Science
Communication Between Vibrio fischeri Populations within the Squid Light Organ
Jeremy Myslowski
College of Engineering
Micro-Particle Image Velocimetry for Quantifying the Flow and Cellular Interactions Between Blood and Nanoparticle-Programmed Biomaterials
Alexandra Nader
Eberly College of Science
Role of Selenium in the Enzymatic Pathways and Phagocytic Functions of Inflamed Macrophages
Sophia Najjar
College of Arts and Architecture / Earth and Mineral Sciences
Chairs of Aleppo
Uyen Nguyen
Eberly College of Science
Determining the structure of HelD, a novel binding partner of Bacillus subtilis RNA polymerase
Richard Novak
College of Agricultural Sciences
A Comparison of Macro-Invertebrate Communities Among Vernal Pools with Different Fire Histories
Madeline Nyblade
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Numerical Modeling of the Agricultural-Hydrologic System in Punjab, India
Kale Odhner
Penn State Berks
Research and Design of a Class 3 Rocket
Andrew Oneglia
College of Health and Human Development
The Impact of Estrogen vs Energy Status on Bone Balance and Bone Turnover Rate in Young Exercising Women
Colin Paulauskas
College of Engineering
Ice Accretion Rates from Multi-Phase Icing Tunnel
Nicholas Pietra
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Frustrated Lewis Pairs: A New Approach to Pollution Control
Evan Plumridge
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Heavy Metals: Concentrations in Peru and Alaska
Gregory Reilly
Eberly College of Science
Examination of Protein-Protein Interaction of GRASP and its Impact on Cell Motility
Katlyn Reynolds
Penn State Worthington Scranton
Turning Points in Relationships between Chronically Ill Cancer Patients and Informal Caregivers
Joshua Riley
College of Engineering
Impact of Shear Rate on von Willebrand Factor Unfolding
Elizabeth Roach
College of Engineering
Using a Point of Care Biosensors to Determine the Pathogen Responsible for respective UTIs
Amelia Rogus
College of Agricultural Sciences
NR5A2 to the Rescue? Examining the Roles and Regulation of NR5A2 in Corpus Luteum Rescue
Pratiti Roy
Eberly College of Science
Mechanisms underlying the effects of edible mushrooms on gastrointestinal health
Taryn Ryan
Eberly College of Science
ClpP Inhibition by 5-hydroxy-8-nitroquinoline
Gina Sarkawi
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Effectiveness of a handheld x-ray fluorescence analyzer on tephra from Afar, Ethiopia
Kyle Sherbine
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Microbial Metabolism and Composition of Proglacial Stream Supported by the Auseangate Glacier in the Peruvian Andes
Sophia Spivey
College of Arts and Architecture
Peacock Pie: Preparation and Performance of a New Vocal Work
Kristen Sprayberry
College of Agricultural Sciences
Determining effects of short-term and evolutionary stress on cell-mediated immune function
William Su
College of Engineering
Development of a new class of citrate-based biomaterials and its 3D printing application in tissue engineering
Aubrey Tallon
College of Health and Human Development
Pence and Sensuality: Use of erotic capital among all genders of Renaissance Faire performers for monetary and promotional gain
Mila Tamminga
Eberly College of Science
Effects of calcium on microtubule activity after explosive axon injury in Drosophila
Ross Tedesco
Penn State Altoona
The Conceptualization of Physics Theories Through Art Mediums
Wenxin Tong
College of Engineering
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Wearable Sensing Textiles
Trevor Tranchina
Penn State York
Elucidation of the SHRM Protein Interactome Utilizing Yeast Two Hybrid Screening
Corrina Tucker
Penn State Behrend
Penn State Behrend Hammermill Archive Encoding
Jacqueline Tucker
College of Engineering
Sensory and Motor Performance in ADHD Participants
Ana Turosky
College of Agricultural Sciences
Does glyphosate affect beneficial soil microbes?
Mi Tzou
College of the Liberal Arts
Fighting against Dictatorship: Taiwanese International Students in the U.S. (1980)
Mark Van Horn
College of the Liberal Arts
Investigation of the Phoenician Iron Industry of Tel Akko, Israel
Ziyuhan Wang
College of Engineering
Moringa Oleifera Seed Modified Sand Filter for Pathogen Removal
Zachary Weagly
Penn State Berks
Comparative Analysis of the Chemical Composition and Microbial Population in the Tulpehocken Creek
Cheyenne Wene
Penn State Harrisburg, The Capital College
Role of MAPK on REDD1-Mediated Insulin Action
Anna Whitaker
College of Earth and Mineral Science
The Ordovician Seas of Central Pennsylvania: Analyzing Environmental Affinities and Distribution of Fossil Taxa in the Taconic Foreland Basin
Aliza Winneg
College of the Liberal Arts
Using bilingualism as a tool to study recognition memory for grammar and meaning
Daniel Winstead
Eberly College of Science
Host specificity and symbiont interspecies competition within the Symbiodinium – Cassiopea mutualistic system
Zhenyuan Yuan
College of Engineering, Eberly College of Science
Machine Learning-enabled Real-time Control of Autonomous Vehicles
Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Mentoring Office
321 Boucke Building
University Park, PA 16802
814-863-8199 |
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
Monday March 1711:30 pm
Wednesday March 193:30 pm