
2015 Erickson Discovery Grant Recipients

2015 Erickson Discovery Grant Recipients

Funded through the Office of Undergraduate Education and support from Colleges.

Edward Badding
Eberly College of Science
Unraveling the Biosynthesis of Dimethyl Indolic Acid, a Key Moiety of the Antibacterial Nosiheptide

Emily Bramel
College of the Liberal Arts
Quantifying the Phenotypic Effects of Genes Associated with Hair Form and Pigment

Ian Campbell
Penn State Erie
Optimizing the Stability and Fluorescence of "Bubble" DNA Templated Silver Nanoclusters

Sarah Chang
Eberly College of Science
Investigating the Role of Mitochondrial sirtuins in Oxidative Stress Response

URee Chon
Eberly College of Science
Determining X-ray Crystal Structure of Gram Positive Bacteria Bacillus subtilis for Antibiotic Advancement

Jacob Cipar
College of Earth and Mineral Science
The Origin of Intermediate Lavas at Hasandag Stratovolcano: A Geochemical Analysis

Alexandra Close
College of Health and Human Development
Do Maternal Maladaptive Eating Behaviors Relate to the Development of Overeating and Obesity Development in Children?

Daniel Doleiden
Penn State Erie
Mathematical Modeling of Electrode Performance in Direct Methanol Fuel Cells

Evan Donkus
Penn State Berks
SwimFly Robot: Design and Development of Water Swimming and Aerial Flying Ornithopter

Alexander Driban
College of Engineering
Interactions of the MLL Mixed Lineage Leukemia Chromatin Enzyme and Its Nucleosome Substrate

Jennifer Dumel
Penn State Altoona
Harvesting Low Grade Waste Heat into Electrical Energy Using Carbon Nanotube Based Thermoelectric Device

Katrina Eckel
College of the Liberal Arts
An English Governess in the Great War: The Brussels Diary of Mary Thorp

Declan Evans
Eberly College of Science
Biophysical Characterization of the Medipal Domain of TRPB

Chelsea Eyer
College of Earth and Mineral Science
Mineralogy of Icelandic Hyaloclastites

Angela Gettemy
Eberly College of Science
Enhancing the Energy Performance of Carbon Based Flexible Supercapacitor using Quinone Modified Lignin

Vivek Gohil
Eberly College of Science
Designing Misfolding Protein Simulations

Philip Graybill
College of Engineering
Exploring Novel Methods for Intracranial Pressure Measurement

Justin Griffith
Eberly College of Science
Ecology of Emerging Infectious Disease in Peromyscus leucopus

Marissa Guarriello
College of Arts and Architecture
The Third Reich Suppression of Musical Culture as Shown Through the Compositional Output of Hans Gal

Terry Hafer
Eberly College of Science
Identification of Proteins Involved in Dendritic Regeneration Mechanisms of Drosophila melanogaster

Kristen Hagenah
College of Engineering
Predicting Thrombus Age by Imaging and Studying Blood Clots with Ghost Cells

Kyle Hilliard
College of Agricultural Sciences
Testing the Evolutionary Connection Between Seminal Coagulation Genes and Intensity of Mating Competition

Madeline Iffert
College of the Liberal Arts
Do Cognates Facilitate the Processing of a Codeswitched Sentence?

Jingyi Jiang
Eberly College of Science
Behavior, Neurological, and Morphological Deficits in PV-interneuron Specific CTNNB1 Knockout

Ryan Kalkbrenner
College of Health and Human Development
Determinants of Force Generation During Rapid Plantarflexion in Sprinters

Shriya Kane
Penn State Harrisburg
Transcriptomics Analysis of the Effect of Cold and Salt Stressed Camelina sativa

Michelle Kilmer
Eberly College of Science
Impact of Rcs Phosphorelay for E. coli Cells That Show Increased Resistance Against Beta-Lactam Antibiotics

Do Young Kim
College of Engineering
Identification and Quantification of Factors Affecting the Spheroid Size in 3D Cell Structure

Tim Kunz
Eberly College of Science
Visualizing and Understanding Chromatin Interactions Using Self Organizing Maps

Harvey Li
College of Engineering
Inducing Chondrogenesis in Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Paige Lynch
College of the Liberal Arts
An Examination of Children's Roles in the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age of Eastern Spain

Yuezhou Lyu
Eberly College of Science
Edge Transport of Photons in a Lieb Lattice

Benjamin Mathews
College of Engineering
Impact of Swirl Flow Fluctuations and Flame Oscillations on Combustor Cooling Effectiveness

Vivianne Mazzocco
College of the Liberal Arts
Tempo of Prenatal Cranial Development

Christopher Miller
College of Engineering
Low-Cost Autonomous Wheelchair Localization and Integration of Human and Brain-Computer Interface Methods

Juan Mogoginta
College of Agricultural Sciences
Anti-inflammatory Activity of Tempeh in a Model of Colon Cancer

Benjamin Nason
College of Agricultural Sciences
Effects of Light and Manganese Toxicity in A. thaliana Tissues

Sara Orr
College of Engineering
The Development of Electrospun Biodegradable Meshes for Hernia Repair

Kayla Paulosky
College of Agricultural Sciences
Determining the Role of the Branched Chain Keto-acid Dehydrogenase (BCKDH) in P. falciparum

Emily Pearlman
College of Health and Human Development
Does Infant Activity Level Predict Rapid Weight Gain?

Gretchen Perhamus
College of the Liberal Arts
PTSD and Postpartum Depression in the NICU: Prevalence and Contributing Factors

Emily Pia
College of Health and Human Development
The Influence of Deceptive Front-of-Package Health Claims on Parental Food Purchasing Patterns

Alexandra Riehl
College of Agricultural Sciences
Mother Knows Best: Understanding the Mechanisms of How Maternal Stress Influences Offspring Phenotype in Eastern Fence Lizards (Sceloporus undulatus)

Erin Sacksteder
College of the Liberal Arts
Disrupted Eye-Gaze Following: An Endophenotype of Autism

Kimberly Schmid
College of Earth and Mineral Science
Recognition and Importance of Relict Periglacial Pingo Scars as Biodiversity Hotspots and Headwater Recharge Zones in the Valley and Ridge Physiographic Province, Pennsylvania

Daniel Schultz
College of Engineering
Assessing the Temporal Inequality of Nutrient Loads to the Chesapeake Bay

Ryan Shaner
College of Agricultural Sciences
Examining the Physiological Effects of Dicistroviridae and Iflaviridae Viruses on Apis mellifera

Timothy Sullivan
College of the Liberal Arts
The Influence of Emotion Inexpression and PTSD on Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration

John Swab
College of Earth and Mineral Science
After the Fire: Examining the Reemergence of the Business District in Early 20th Century Baltimore and San Francisco

Mark Travor
Eberly College of Science
PP2A Cytoskeletal Interactions in Drosophila

Erin Vrana
Eberly College of Science
Investigation of Gene Regulation During Malaria Transmission

Anna Wing
Eberly College of Science
The Role of Transcription-coupled DNA Repair Proteins in mRNA Degradation

Megan Wisniewski
College of the Liberal Arts
The Effects of Household Structure on Educational Attainment in Ghana

Jacob Wisser
Eberly College of Science
Growth and Characterization of Thin Film Thermoelectric Superlattices

Rachel Wolfe
College of Engineering
The Effects of a Fiber Matrix on Adherens Junctions and Localization of β-Catenin

Hang Yang
College of Engineering
Vehicle Road Departure Detection and Trajectory Recovery

Stephen Zimmerer
College of Arts and Architecture
Architecture and Ecologies of Urban Trees

Fulbright Features: Teaching, volunteering is eye-opening experience for alumna

For more information, please see the article on Penn State News...

Fulbright Features: Researcher explores archives and the outdoors in Sweden

For more information, please see the article on Penn State News...

Penn State senior selected as Marshall Scholar

For more information, please see the article on Penn State News...

Lay of the Land: Scholar finds solid ground through summer language programs

For more information, please see the article on Penn State News...

2015 Erickson Discovery Grant Recipients

2014 Erickson Discovery Grant Recipients

Funded through the Office of Undergraduate Education and support from Colleges.

Matthew Adams
Eberly College of Science
Anastomosis Development in Mice After Vibrissa Somatosensory Deprivation

Dylan Barbera
Eberly College of Science
Control of Dendrite Polarity by a Heterotrimeric G-Protein

Marta Beczek
College of the Liberal Arts
Effects of Non-Traditional Sources of Media in Spain

Robyn Jael Behar
College of the Liberal Arts
Strategic Analysis: The Impact of Female Integration on Regional Stability in the Middle East

Mikayla Borusiewicz
Eberly College of Science
Do Individuals with Autistic Traits See People Differently?

Joshua Bram
Eberly College of Science
Determining the Competitive Ability of Drug-Resistant Parasites

William Chase
Eberly College of Science
A Computational Approach to Understanding Expansin Structure and Function

Tracie Cobb Irvin
Penn State Altoona
Are Environmental Stressors and Their Effects on Hippocampal Characteristics Heritable?

Joanne Collins
Eberly College of Science
Growing Up Quick: A Behavioral Analysis of Newly Emerged Ants

Kenya Crawford
College of Health and Human Development
The Implications of Early Family Experiences for Young Adult Romantic Relationship Quality

Robert Custer
Penn State Erie
Spectroelectrochemistry of Iron Porphrynins for Gasotransmitter Detection

Melinda Dennis
College of Health and Human Development
Interaction of Lexically Similar Languages: Do Palenquero-Spanish Bilinguals Code-Switch?

Jules Dupont
College of Inofrmation Sciences and Technology
Abusive User Analytics: Identifying and Monitoring Deviant Users

Brooke Durham
College of the Liberal Arts
Expressions of Identity and Postcolonial Commentary in the Writings of Ken Bugul and
Mariama Bâ

Shannon Francis
College of the Liberal Arts
English After the Conquest: Peterborough, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, and the Place of English in Anglo-Norman England

Nicholas Frazzette
College of Engineering
Synthesis of Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles as a Drug Delivery System

Geoffrey Gao
Eberly College of Science
The Role of the Rcs Phosphorelay in the Development of Antibiotic Resistance

Ummekulsoom Ghadai
College of the Liberal Arts
Sarojini Naidu – How a Woman Indo-Anglian Writer Reformed Literature and Activism

Adison Godfrey
College of the Liberal Arts
Benjamin Franklin and the Culture of Friendship

Virginia Gonzalez
College of Engineering
Nanoparticle Mediated Drug to Target Circulating Breast Cancer Cells

Stephanie Gruver
College of the Liberal Arts
Proyecto Arqueológico Tlajinga Teotihuacán

Mustafa Hammudi
Eberly College of Science
Analysis of Cellulose Synthase Expression Along the Arabidopsis Stem

Shelby Harkless
College of Agricultural Sciences
A Study to Examine the Stress Levels of Urocitellus Parryii During a Reintroduction into Extirpated Sites in Southwest Yukon

Ryan Henrici
Eberly College of Science
Crystallization of a Gene Regulation Enzyme/Nucleosome Complex

Divya Hosangadi
Eberly College of Science
Target Identification of trans-Translation Inhibitor A7

Kosho Hoshitsuki
Penn State Berks
Adaptive Flocking in 3D

Ciara Hovis
Eberly College of Science
Parsing Propagule Pressure: The Effects of Multiple Aspects of Propagule Pressure on the Success of an Invasive Species

Kira Hydock
College of Agricultural Sciences
Culture and Animal Husbandry Cultural Constraints of Goat Production and Management Among the People of the Muhanga District of Rwanda

Kevin Jansen
Eberly College of Science
Contact Angle Analysis of Acid-Treated Clay Mineral Samples

Zak Khayat
College of Earth and Mineral Science
Characterization and Growth of Epitaxial Functional Oxide Films for Electronic Applications

Michelle Lai
Eberly College of Science
How Does Host Nutritional Status Impact the Drug Resistance Phenotype of P. chabaudi Parasites?

Ting Yi Lai
Eberly College of Science
Studies Toward Nonmetal-Catalyzed O-H and N-H Transfer Reactions

Deborah Lee
College of Engineering
Site Inhibition of Thrombin Using Anti-Thrombin Aptamers

Daniel Magerman
College of the Liberal Arts
Palenque and It’s Neighbors: Languages and Attitudes

Cydnei Mallory
College of Arts and Architecture
Digital Technologies in the Foundry Process

Alexandra Manbeck
College of the Liberal Arts
Applying Mental Brakes: An fMRI Investigation of Prepotent Motor Response Suppression

Brian McKellar
College of Engineering
An Integrated MEMS Device for Cancer Cell Culture and Manipulation

Jacob Moore
Penn State York
Identification of Growth-Regulatory Genes During Germination and Early Embryogenesis of Solanum lycopersicum

Darian Nocera
College of Engineering
Conducting Polymer Films with Gradients of Biomolecule for Cell Growth Studies

Alexandra Perry
Eberly College of Science
Investigation of a Novel Quorum-Sensing Regulator in Vibrio fischeri

Megan Radyk
Eberly College of Science
The Effects of Spectrin Mutations on Terminal Web Biology in Drosophila

Christopher Rae
Eberly College of Science
Novel Antibiotic Development: trans-Translation Inhibition in Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus

Haley Randolph
Eberly College of Science
Molecular Evolutionary Genetics of Chromosomal Breakpoints

Josh Rice
College of Agricultural Sciences
Defining the Master Regulator of Sexual Stage Differentiation in Malaria Parasites

Ben Rosenwasser
Eberly College of Science
The Nature of Galaxies: Probing the Unseen Universe

Benjamin Rowles
College of the Liberal Arts
Troll Bridge: Hub for Information on Internet Trolling

Zenas Michael Savage
Penn State Berks
Computational Analysis of Learning Transference Between the Dominant and Non Dominant Hand in a Virtual Shuffleboard Game

Britta Schumacher
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods: Climate Change at the Interface of Parks and People

Christopher Sharkey
College of Agricultural Sciences
Applications of Bioinformatics to Identify Structure Based G-Rich Quadruplexs in Herpes Simplex Virus Genome

Kevin Shebek
College of Engineering
Investigation of the Molecular Mechanisms of the Antimicrobial peptide MOCP

Mary Beth Spang
College of the Liberal Arts
Individual and Group Differences in the Production of Lengua Palenquera

Bryn Spielvogel
College of the Liberal Arts
Sugar-Coated Racism: When Fondness for Stereotypic Activities Masks Discrimination

Shelby Stigers
Penn State Altoona
Enhancing the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Using Boron-Carbon Nanotube

Matthew Swatski
College of Engineering
Investigation Into Epigenetic Changes in Mesenchymal Stem Cells Caused by Biophysical Factors

Karissa Thal
Eberly College of Science
Pediatric Pharmacometabolomics of Valproic Acid

Colin Tkatch
College of Engineering
In Vitro MRI Visualization of Thrombosis at Varying Reynolds Numbers

Liana Trigg
Eberly College of Science
Evolution of the Axon Initial Segment: Looking for Axon Diffusional Barriers in Cnidarians

Carl Udren
Direct Growth of Graphene on Glass Using Novel Microwave Processing

Gage Walters
College of Engineering
LIDAR Sensing of Water Waves and Fluid Surfaces

Nathan Wasilko
Eberly College of Science
Impact of fliY Regulation on Colonization of the Squid Light Organ by Vibrio fischeri

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Student gets lesson in leadership at presidency study center

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Penn State students continue DAAD Rise exchange

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