Biofilter Nutrient Removal Vegetated with Two Native Plants

Lindsey Fanton

To increase the effectiveness of vegetated bioswales, this study examines what characteristics make different plant species better equipped to remove excess nutrients from stormwater runoff. Four different treatments were tested: Schizacharyium scoparium, Pynanthemum muticum, a mixture of each plant species, and an unvegetated control group. The treatments were watered with synthetic stormwater which was later collected and sent to a lab where Total Phosphorus and Nitrogen were determined. Root characteristics and soil microbiome will be assessed at the experiment's end. These assessments will allow for conclusions to be made regarding characteristics that aid plants in removing excess nutrients. 

Landscape Contracting
Exhibition Category: 
Physical Sciences
Exhibition Format: 
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor: 
Margaret Hoffman
Poster Number: