I am a third-year Neuroscience student at the Eberly College of Science, University Park campus. I am an undergraduate researcher in the Arnett lab, where we study clinical neuropsychology, particularly focusing on multiple sclerosis and sports-related concussions. My current project aims to explore the connection between racial/ethnic identity and baseline neuropsychological test performance among collegiate athletes.
Current Research Project:
The relationship racial/ethnic identity and neuropsychological test performance.
Project Description:
My work aims to explore and contextualize the relationship racial/ethnic identity and neuropsychological test performance. Neuropsychological test results are used for various purposes, including assessing clearance to return to play after a concussion. This underscores the importance of having accurate normative data. By analyzing previous test results and using various analyses, we can gain a better understanding of this relationship and improve how we use and interpret test criteria.
Dr. Peter Arnett and McKenna Sakamoto
African-American Studies
University Park
Advising Topics:
Finding research mentors
Contacting Faculty
Developing a research topic
Getting published
List any topics you would like to talk with your peers about not listed above:
The relationship racial/ethnic identity and neuropsychological test performance.