The role that iron plays in affective outcomes is not well studied in women of reproductive age. The hypothesis is that iron supplementation will improve overall mood and quality of life and decrease feelings of stress compared to placebo. Participants recruited from Penn State were categorized as iron depleted or sufficient. Iron treatment improved feelings of Physical and Social Functioning and decreased feelings of Bodily Pain, Stress, Tension, Anger, Depression, Confusion and Total Mood Disturbance.
The Effects of Iron on Mood, Stress, and Quality of Life in Women of Reproductive Age
Emily Rebekah Seiger
Community, Environment, and Development
Exhibition Category:
Health and Life Sciences
Exhibition Format:
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor:
Laura Murray-Kolb, Associate Professor and Professor in Charge of the Graduate Program, Department of Nutritional Sciences
Poster Number:
Award Winner
University Library Awards for Information Literacy - First Place