Investigation of the Glass Transition Phase of the Conjugated Polymer PPDTBT by Incorporation of T6BT via Random Copolymerization

Michael Grant Gill
The utility of conjugated polymers stem from wide uses in organic photovoltaics, organic field-effect transistors, and organic light emitting diodes. While these polymers have typically been studied for their electronic properties, their glass transition and Tg values have not been studied extensively. Therefore, three polymers were synthesized via suzuki polycondensation under varying T6BT concentrations and had their glass transitions characterized using Differential Scanning Calorimetry. This quantified the effects of random copolymerization on the Tg value.
Chemical Engineering
Exhibition Category: 
Exhibition Format: 
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor: 
Enrique Gomez, Associate Professor
Poster Number: