Investigation of Microbial Diversity Within the Mutualistic Symbiosis Between the Hawaiian Squid and Vibrio Fscheri

Rachel Elizabeth Bruning and Joaquim Diego Santos

The mutualism between Euprymna scolopes and Vibrio fischeri presents a model through which host-microbe interactions can be studied to provide insight into mechanisms that microbes utilize to colonize the host. In this investigation, the phenotypes of two co-isolated V. fischeri strains were determined using bioluminescence and motility assays. Novel V. fischeri strains, RB003 and JDS004, showed dissimilar phenotypes when compared to wild-type ES114, suggesting certain strains have a greater capability to colonize the host.

Biochemistry Molecular Biology
Exhibition Category: 
Health and Life Sciences
Exhibition Format: 
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor: 
Timothy Miyashiro, PhD, Assistant Professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Poster Number: 

Award Winner

University Library Awards for Information Literacy - Honorable Mention