Alyssa Kamrowski
Recent reports suggest that small cell variants (SCV) of S. aureus can cause persistent infection of the mammary gland in dairy cows. A total of 163 S. aureus isolates from milk samples (2008-2015) were exposed to 2 µg/ml of gentamicin of which 19 parent strains generated SCV. Multi-locus sequence clonal types 15, 97, and 151 accounted for 5.2, 68.4, and 25.3% of the SCVs. respectively. The SCV isolates did not show enhanced resistance to antibiotics.
Immunology and Infectious Disease
Exhibition Category:
Health and Life Sciences
Exhibition Format:
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor:
Bhushan Jayarao, Director of Animal Diagnostic Lab/Professor of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Poster Number: