Bifidobacteria animalis is an anaerobic, probiotic organism. Pre-treating the microorganism with high concentrations of trehalose and incorporation into pullulan, an edible, water-soluble and oxygen-impermeable polysaccharide, may increase survivability. Our results indicated that survivability of B. animalis was increased following treatments with 20, 30, or 40% trehalose for 30 min at 25˚C. Further studies will evaluate the survivability of the trehalose-treated, probiotic organism in pullulan films stored under various conditions (temperature, atmosphere).
Enhancement of Bifidobacteria animalis Survivability in Edible Films Following Treatments With Trehalose Solutions
Jeremy Purwo
Food Science
Exhibition Category:
Health and Life Sciences
Exhibition Format:
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor:
Catherine Cutter
Poster Number: