This study seeks to better understand how minority-related stressors influence racially and ethnically diverse college students’ alcohol use. First-year racially and ethnically diverse college students were examined (N=37; M(SD)age= 18.1 (0.21); 68% female; 16% Asian, 30% Black, 41% Multiracial; and 27% Hispanic/Latinx). Significant positive correlations were detected between minority-related stress, coping motives and alcohol use (r’s = .51-.59, all p’s < .01). These results will inform culturally-tailored drinking intervention programs for college students.
The examination of minority-related stressors, coping motives, and alcohol use among racially and ethnically diverse college students at a predominantly white institution
Dwalyn Bryant
Biobehavioral Health
Exhibition Category:
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Exhibition Format:
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor:
Rob Turrisi
Poster Number: