The ABCG2 Transporter Reduces Protein Aggregation inA549 Cells Exposed to Cigarette Smoke Condensate

Nicholas Aparicio, Ashley Seideneck and Casey Humphries

Cigarette smoke-induced protein aggregation damages the lungcells in emphysema and COPD. However, lung cancer cells continue to thrive, evolve, and persist in this toxic environment. In our research, we found that A549 lung cancer cells could survive concentrations of smoke ten times higher than non cancerous Beas2b and H6053 cells. A549 also showed lower levels of protein aggregation, which we determined was dependent on the functioning of the overexpressed ABCG2 pump.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Exhibition Category: 
Health and Life Sciences
Exhibition Format: 
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor: 
Maria Krasilnikova
Poster Number: