Bifidobacterium angulatum F16_22 Lipoprotein Structure, Acylation Patterns, and Toll-like Receptor Interaction

Matthew Masciulli

This research investigates the lipoprotein structure of Bifidobacterium angulatum, and its implications for Toll-like Receptor interactions within the gut microbiome. Through lipoprotein extraction, we aim to extract and analyze the lipoprotein using mass spectrometry and western blot techniques. Our focus is on deciphering the unique structure and identifying the responsible gene, providing insight into innate immune responses. Outcomes may guide knowledge relating to probiotic and antibiotic strategies.

Biochem and Molecular Biology
Exhibition Category: 
Health and Life Sciences
Exhibition Format: 
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor: 
Tim Meredith
Poster Number: