The Effect of Truncating the Immunity Factor of Vibrio fischeri strain FQA001 onits Successful Utilization of the Type VI Secretion System

Yusuf Shabana

FQA001 is a Vibrio fischeri that uses the Type VI Secretion System (T6SS). The T6SS mechanism is found on an operon with the AHH Nuclease alongside an Immunity Factor that protects FQA001 from its own T6SS. However, when the immunity factor is truncated, the effect on FQA001 utilization of T6SS is unknown. Preliminary results indicate that when competed with FQA001 with an intact immunity factor, the strain without one is dominated in proximity.

Exhibition Category: 
Health and Life Sciences
Exhibition Format: 
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor: 
Timothy Miyashiro
Poster Number: