'Examining the physical, social, and risk-related consequences of alcohol use as predictors of alcohol use disorder symptoms among college students'

Alyssa Altstaedter, Peyton Stull, Aidan Perner and Haley Roth

College students' alcohol use is a public health concern with physical, social, and risk-related consequences. Consequences like hangovers, unwanted sexual situations, and embarrassing oneself may be associated with alcohol use disorder (AUD) symptoms. Electronic surveys spanning six weekends assessed college students' (N= 462, 51.7% female, 87.7% White, Mage= 20.1) drinking behaviors and consequences. This project uses linear regression analysis to examine the extent to which alcohol-related consequences are associated with AUD symptoms among college students.

Major: Health Policy and Administration; Presentation Department: Biobehavioral Health
Exhibition Category: 
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Exhibition Format: 
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor: 
Robert Turrisi
Poster Number: