How Do Social Movements Impact Gender Equality? The Effects of the Arab Spring Protests on Women in the Middle East and North Africa

Olivia Bratton

I am interested in analyzing the diverse outcomes in gender equality levels following the Arab Spring protests, as levels vary across the countries affected in the Middle East and North Africa region. I expect to observe this relationship because there exists a complex ability for political shocks like social movements to impact a society’s political and cultural arenas. In terms of tangible advances for women, demonstrations have been found to possess the capacity to create new political openings for gender-inclusive policy and women’s activism and leadership in the public sphere. Additionally, social movements can catalyze societal changes through their ability to influence public opinion, mobilize constituents, and empower certain peripheral groups, like women. I employ qualitative case studies to compare and contrast cases of varying protest intensity during the Arab Spring, and I observe how these occurrences manifested into varying outcomes in gender equality.

Political Science
Exhibition Category: 
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Exhibition Format: 
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor: 
Marie Hojnacki
Poster Number: 

Award Winner

Social and Behavioral Sciences - Third Place