Vitamin D (VD) protects mice from severe influenza infection. We examined how VD metabolism genes, Cyp27b1, Cyp24a1, and the vitamin D receptor (VDR), were affected by influenza infection. Results showed that Cyp27b1 and VDR mRNA in the lung were not different throughout infection. Conversely, Cyp24a1 mRNA expression was significantly increased (P<0.05) at day 6 post-infection, suggesting increased VD metabolism in the lung. This result supports the importance of VD in the host response to influenza.
Investigating the effects of H1N1 influenza infection on mRNA expression of vitamin D metabolism genes in lungs
Nicholas Hanna and Suzanne Kozloski
Immunology and Infectious Disease
Exhibition Category:
Health and Life Sciences
Exhibition Format:
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor:
Margherita T. Cantorna
Poster Number: