Examined metabolic effects of a vegan diet (VD) on pregnant mice.Female-wild-type mice were fed a control diet (CD) or a VD (reduced-B12-content) for 18 weeks and bred twice. Body weights, glucose tolerance, and a marker of B12-insufficiency were measured.VD-mothers only displayed B12 insufficiency, while their female offspring sustained B12-insufficiency, glucose intolerance, and higher body weights. Greater impacts were observed in the second breeding attempt.B12-deficiency induced significant metabolic disturbances in the first generation.
Maternal dietary vitamin B12 restriction promotes insulin resistance in the offspring
Karenna Kauffman and Sarah Boardman
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Exhibition Category:
Health and Life Sciences
Exhibition Format:
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor:
Rita Castro
Poster Number: