From Metabolites to Microbes: Paving the Way for Sustainable Maize Crop Improvement

Charles Colvin

In the phyllosphere, a microecosystem on plant leaves, diverse microbes impact plant health. Like the root rhizosphere, a healthy phyllospheric community is vital for plant growth.  Flavonoids are plant pigments that influence plant-microbe interactions. Maize with increased flavonoids shows altered stress responses and metabolic pathways. This project explores the connection between maize flavonoids and phyllosphere microbes, using sequencing to identify unique associations. Understanding flavonoids roles in these communities informs future development of high-flavonoid maize lines.

Plant Sciences/ Department of Plant Science
Exhibition Category: 
Health and Life Sciences
Exhibition Format: 
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor: 
Surinder Chopra
Poster Number: 

Award Winner

Health and Life Sciences - First Place
University Library Awards for Information Literacy - Honorable Mention