Old Cnidarians Teach New Tricks: Re-analysis of Symbiotic Cnidarians with Modern Approaches Reveal New Patterns of Coevolution.

Sydney Dutton

Cnidarians owe their success to endosymbionts of Family Symbiodiniaceae by providing hosts  energy via photosynthetic products. The phenomenon of bleaching is defined by the loss of these microalgae. Former collections of symbiotic cnidarians from the Indo-Pacific were reassessed with a modern multi-marker approach. Phylogenetic analysis identified multiple, independent groups of coevolution between host and symbionts, providing a better understanding of the evolution of this symbiosis, and revealing underlying host-symbiont association patterns critical to reef conservation.

Exhibition Category: 
Health and Life Sciences
Exhibition Format: 
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor: 
Todd LaJeunesse
Poster Number: