NusG is a universally conserved transcription elongation factor that stimulates RNA polymerase pausing throughout the Bacillus subtilis genome. The 5’ leader of tenA, a gene involved in vitamin B1 (thiamine) metabolism, contains a NusG-dependent pause site within a thiamine-dependent riboswitch. To determine whether pausing regulates transcription of tenA, we conducted β-Galactosidase assays in the presence and absence of thiamine to measure the expression of tenA in wild-type and ∆nusG strains of B. subtilis.
Regulatory Role of NusG-dependent RNA Polymerase Pausing on Expression of tenA in Bacillus subtilis
Alex Baxevanidis and Thomas Breil
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Exhibition Category:
Health and Life Sciences
Exhibition Format:
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor:
Paul Babitzke
Poster Number: