A Smarter Mirror for a Smarter Student: Designing a Smart Mirror for Student Productivity and Well-Being

by Carolyn 'Tomi' Oluwaseun-Apo

The goal to improve well-being for Penn State students initiated an explorative research study into smart mirror design and its current integration in student’s daily activities. This study is inspired by a multi-stage framework to achieve a healthy lifestyle through technology. The study was informed by both a university-wide survey and cognitive walkthroughs of the mirror prototype. Findings include design considerations for balancing student interest in cognitive load and challenging users to engage in self-improvement.

Human-Centered Design and Development
Exhibition Category: 
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Exhibition Format: 
Poster Presentation
University Park
Faculty Sponsor: 
Chris Gamrat
Poster Number: 

Award Winner

University Library Awards for Information Literacy - Honorable Mention