
Industrial engineering students, primarily juniors and seniors, gather to showcase their efforts in undergraduate research.

Undergraduate student research highlights innovation for society

Students in the Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at Penn State showcased their innovative engineering projects to fellow students, staff and faculty during the undergraduate research poster session held on Dec. 13.

Chemical engineering Research for Undergraduates students earn poster awards

Students from the Penn State Department of Chemical Engineering’s Research Experience for Undergraduates program recently earned two awards at the 2019 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Undergraduate Student Poster Competition.

College of EMS student marshal plans to continue meteorology research

Nicole June, who is the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences' student marshal for the fall 2019 undergraduate commencement ceremony, said she found numerous ways to engage in meteorology and atmospheric science research. She plans to continue that research in graduate school.

Undergraduates showcase research, communication skills at symposium

Students throughout Penn State’s STEM-based majors brought two semesters of work to life at the recent WISER/MURE/FURP undergraduate research symposium, where they presented their research and answered questions from other students, staff and faculty, many from outside of their fields.

Scholar eyes career in medicine after seeing research published

Schreyer Scholar Rafay Nasir contributed to a research paper on cardiopulmonary bypass that was published in an international artificial organs journal.

Professor named faculty chair for service enterprise engineering

Vittal Prabhu, professor of industrial engineering, has been named the Charles and Enid Schneider Faculty Chair of the Penn State Service Enterprise Engineering Initiative in the Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. Prabhu will begin this new appointment on Jan. 1, 2020.

Nursing student's research explores the understanding of palliative care

Penn State nursing senior Kaléi Kowalchik champions research regarding the awareness and importance of palliative care in the nursing field.

Smeal and Scholar alumnus wins prize for best undergraduate finance research

Penn State alumnus Matthew Cherry was awarded best paper/presentation at a Financial Management Association meeting for his undergraduate research on the effects of 5G technology on mergers and acquisitions.

Shuman scholarship lights the way for undergrad researcher

Daniel Shoemaker, a fifth-year undergraduate student studying mechanical engineering at Penn State, was awarded funding for his research as part of the Shuman Scholars program. This initiative gives students an opportunity to conduct a long-term research project during their undergraduate career in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Artificial heart lab demonstrates the impact of undergraduate research

Artificial heart lab demonstrates the impact of undergraduate research

For more information, please see the article on Penn State News...
