2024 Undergraduate Exhibition
Title | Presenter | Abstract | Faculty Sponsor | Number | |
The ABCG2 Transporter Reduces Protein Aggregation inA549 Cells Exposed to Cigarette Smoke Condensate | Nicholas Aparicio, Ashley Seideneck and Casey Humphries |
Cigarette smoke-induced protein aggregation damages the lungcells in emphysema and COPD. However, lung cancer cells continue to thrive, evolve, and persist in this toxic environment. In our research, we found that A549 lung cancer cells could survive concentrations of smoke ten times higher than non cancerous Beas2b and H6053 cells. A549 also showed lower levels of protein aggregation, which we determined was dependent on the functioning of the overexpressed ABCG2 pump. |
Maria Krasilnikova | 99 | |
Testing -ung Nominalization In Native German Speakers ​ | Deavon Poduszlo |
Tested whether native (L1) German speakers would judge deverbal nominals in German to be well-formed under different semantic readings. We more specifically focused on capturing if the nominal suffix “-ung†|
Michael Putnam | 215 | |
Temperature-Composition Phase Diagram of Strained K1-xNaxNbO3 Thin Films | Nicholas Richardson |
A cornerstone of materials science is the manipulation of mesoscale structures and phase transitions to control material properties. Here we investigate the lead-free K1-xNaxNbO3 solid solution system grown on GdScO3 substrate using thermodynamics and phase-field simulations to predict and understand the composition-temperature phase diagram. We identify specific composition regions with the potential for enhanced dielectric and electromechanical response. |
Long-Qing Chen | 145 | |
Temperature-Composition Phase Diagram and Strain Driven Domain Decomposition in the Ba1-xSrxTiO3 Thin Film System | Mikayla Obrist |
This research explores the stability of ferroelectric phases in (Ba,Sr)TiO3 thin films on GdScO3 substrates. Investigating the interplay of temperature, composition, and strain-state, the study aims to simplify complexities by focusing on one substrate. Computational simulations, varying temperature, composition, and strain contribute to a temperature-composition phase diagram. The phase diagram reveals stable ferroelectric phases in specific regions, forming distinctive patterns. The significance lies in advancing understanding and control of BSTO, a pivotal ferroelectric material with diverse applications. |
Aiden Ross | 129 | |
Technological Competence in Panama and Its Role in Logistics Innovation | Nathan Reish et al |
Over the last century, Panama has become a major player in global logistics. The nations’ ability to positively impact the world’s supply chain can be attributed to its technological competence, most significantly at the Panama Canal and in the business district of Panama City. Through the Global Immersion Program, our group was able to experience first-hand supply chain end-to-end. Panama City is both a melting pot of cultures and a hub for worldwide transportation. |
Felisa Higgins | 94 | |
Survival Rates in Melanoma Patients: Comprehensive Analysis with SEER, GENIE, GDC, and cBioPortal Data | Mingrui Chen |
This study aims to evaluate the survival of melanoma cancer patients and the impacts of different risk factors using a comprehensive, population-based approach using R, investigated multiple data sources and help on the treatment choices of the melanoma based on data integration. |
Le Bao | 165 | |
Surveillance for influenza A virus antibodies in wild canids in Pennsylvania | Kaitlyn Bahrs |
Since 1996, goose Guangdong lineage H5 highly pathogenic influenza A viruses (HPIAV) have caused a panzootic with significant impacts on poultry and wild birds. In December 2021, subclade H5N1 HPIAV spread throughout North America, where atypical detections of fatal H5N1 HPIAV infections have been recorded in wild mammals. The goal of this study is to determine the seroprevalence of H5N1 IAV in wild canids in Pennsylvania before and after HPIAV introduction. |
Justin Brown | 53 | |
Sunspot Behavior During Solar Cycle Maximum and Minimums. Comparative Analysis of Sunspot Dynamics Across Solar Cycles 20-22 | Aum Dave |
In an 11-year cycle, the Sun’s magnetic field undergoes a complete polarity flip. During each solar cycle, the Sun displays varying levels of activity, which are quantified by the number of sunspots. These sunspots are categorized using letters ( A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J). Our research investigates sunspot behavior during solar cycle minima and maxima for cycles 20 to 22. Analyzing extensive daily sunspot data, revealed that sunspots exhibit greater complexity during solar maxima years. Interestingly, sunspots categorized as F seem to be entirely absent during solar minimum. Further data analysis is necessary to comprehend this behavior and its interpretation and implications, in terms of local and global magnetic effects relating to solar activity. |
Asif Ud-Doula | 87 | |
Students' Usage of Mathematical Applications and Websites and Perception of Plagiarism in Mathematics | Marjaan Khan |
Mathematical applications and websites have been used by students to find solutions to mathematical problems. Plagiarism is defined as using someone else's published or unpublished work and copying their ideas as your own without citing the source. Students who copy down solutions without crediting the sources are guilty of plagiarism in mathematics. The research presented here attempts to understand why mathematical applications and websites are utilized and what students define as plagiarism in mathematics. |
Maryam Kiani | 91 | |
Student Perceptions of Digital Learning Technology: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Music Students | David Hutchinson |
Digital learning technology has increased in relevance in education settings globally, particularly thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study documents findings from student interviews at Penn State and the University of Oxford on their technology use in music coursework. Results show that students have an increased use and value associated with learning technology in music coursework, particularly post-COVID-19. Further findings underscore the importance of accessible user interfaces and institutional-procured software. |
Jacob Holster | 188 | |
Stress and Alcohol Consumption in Adolescent Mice | Bailey McLaughlin |
Excessive alcohol use is currently one of the leading causes of preventable death in the United States and one factor linked to increased alcohol use is exposure to stress. While there is substantial evidence to support this relationship in male rodents, there is little evidence in females. To close this gap, we performed an experiment to examine how adolescent stress influenced adolescent binge-like alcohol consumption in male and female BALB/cJ and C57BL/6J mice. |
Helen Kamens | 113 | |
Streptococcus evolutionary diversity in ancient Great Britain and its associations with oral health outcomes | Ava Gabrys |
Streptococci bacteria are a fundamental part of the human oral microbiome. Using a competitive mapping approach with ancient DNA from British populations dating 2100BCE-present, we found major shifts in streptococci communities occurred after the post-medieval period. While Streptococcus sp. DD04 now has reduced diversity, Streptococcus sanguinis remains abundant in healthy modern populations where it has acquired genes involved in membrane transport and stress response. These evolutionary histories provide important insights into humanity’s changing oral health. |
Laura Weyrich | 70 | |
Strain Level Diversity Among Naturally Isolated Vibrio fischeri | Rachel Harter |
Transformation is the process of cells incorporating exogenous DNA into their genome; transformation efficiency denotes transformants from total viable cells. Efficiencies vary by species and plasmid, with difficulty in delineating consistently successful methodology. In Vibrio fischeri, transformation universally requires regulatory gene TfoX, but efficiencies are unconserved across isolates. The influential factors and methods to maximize transformation efficiency are poorly understood; gaining insight provides opportunity for increased genome editing consistency and a tool for mutant-comparative research. |
Timothy Miyashiro | 149 | |
Speaker Adjustments in Interactions in Dutch-English Bilinguals | Merel Padt and Jihee Lee |
Speech production during interaction allows naturalistic examination of the different speech sound categories spoken languages may use. Spoken languages have different vowel systems that may affect speech perception and production, potentially resulting in speakers and their conversational partners experiencing challenges based on speech contrasts and the presence of competing speech. This study focuses on Dutch-English bilinguals, whose languages have broadly similar phonological systems; however, specific speech contrasts pose challenges for Dutch-English bilinguals’ perception and production. |
Annie Olmstead | 180 | |
Sowing Solutions? Unveiling PA Crop Diversity and Microbial Associations with Weed Seed Mortality | Jonathan Hur |
Perennial crops have been shown to reduce annual weed populations, but do diverse perennial forage mixtures affect weed seed mortality in the soil seedbank? Treatments include monocultures and mixtures of alfalfa, chicory, and orchard grass and their impact on buried pigweed and velvetleaf weed seeds. Preliminary results suggest that composition and diversity did not significantly affect weed seed viability. However, higher proportions of alfalfa biomass in a mixture correlated with decreased pigweed viability. |
Carolyn Lowry | 82 | |
Sonification of the Bay Tide | Zachary McKee |
Sonification is the use of sound to perceptualize given data. My data I collected was one full oscillation of the bay tide during the summer of 2023 for the full, halves, and new moon phases. I can compare the differences in the bay tides aurally and also compare these tides to the bay tide from 2003 to also aurally prove how much our tides have risen. Eventually the end goal for this project is to complete a composition utilizing the full moon oscillation as the tonal center for my piece and the other three oscillations as a selection of tones to choose for a melody or modulated section. |
Sarah Rice | 170 | |
More college students than ever identify as sexual and/or gender minorities (SGM), but health disparity research is lacking for this population. Biobehavioral health outcomes were examined among SGM college students (n=445) and cisgender heterosexual peers (n=2867). SGM students were younger, reported more stress and depression, less happiness, poorer sleep quality, and drank less alcohol than their peers (p's<0.05). Groups were similar in body mass index, GPA, and daily nicotine use. Health implications will be discussed. |
Laura Cousino Klein | 32 | |
Severity of Metabolic Syndrome is Associated with Poorer Vascular Health and Cognitive Performance in Older Adults | Meaghan Sholtis and Kate Lukens |
The purpose of the study was to determine associations between metabolic syndrome severity and cognitive performance, and the moderating effects of vascular health. In 48 older adults, MetS severity score was negatively correlated with reaction time (r=-0.379, p=0.010) and accuracy (r=-0.351, p=0.023) on a task of working memory. MetS severity was also positively correlated to arterial stiffness (r=0.501, p<0.001). The severity of MetS should be considered an important variable on cognitive decline in this population. |
Jigar Gosalia | 125 | |
Senior Thesis: Association Between False Memories and Creativity Among Older and Younger Adults | Andrea John |
The dynamics between creativity and false memories are poorly understood. This study aimed to explore this phenomenon by observing semantic false association performance with age as a modifier. Younger adults (N=172) and older adults (N=124) completed the Category Fluency, generating as many clothing items as possible within a time limit. Findings indicate no significant effect of semantic false associations on creativity performance across age. Future research is needed to understand the mechanisms underlying this. |
Nancy Dennis | 49 | |
Senators & Social Media: How Social Media Usage Effects Electoral Success | Alianne Crockett |
My project explores the connection between senators' use of Twitter/X as a form of communication and their electoral success. I am looking at Twitter/X data on incumbents from 2013-2015 and categorizing the incumbents into different styles of communicators based on their tweeting styles. I correlate that with the electoral results of the 2014 and 2016 elections to asses which styles of communication may be the most successful for incumbents and those seeking election to adopt. |
Marie Hojnacki | 5 | |
Semi-automated Fabrication of Atomically Sharp Tips | Baird Bankovic |
Here, I made an easy-to-use semi-automated machine (Zyrus) that fabricates atomically sharp tips repeatably. It does so by chemically etching tungsten wire, until the submerged portion breaks off. To avoid blunting the tip, etching needs to be terminated as quickly as possible. Zyrus monitors the etching current, and automatically terminates the etching once the current falls below a threshold. Zyrus can reliably produce tips with an effective radius of < 50nm. |
Nitin Samarth | 39 | |
Search For New Sources Of Very-High-Energy Gamma Rays | Kenya Mitchell |
In the HAWC observatory's third catalogue of very-high-energy gamma ray sources, three of the unassociated sources were observed overlapping with pulsars from the ANTF pulsar catalogue. These three sources were further analyzed, as the pulsar association is relevant to the study of gamma ray acceleration. A morphological and spectral analysis was conducted to determine changes in each source’s extension and level of emission. It was concluded that each source grew in intensity over time. |
Miguel Mostafa | 185 | |
Resilience of the Symbiosis Between Vibrio fischeri and Euprymna scolopes | Rachel Cook |
Symbiotic bacteria promote the health of an animal by performing a task that contributes toward their survival. A main determinant of symbiosis establishment is the physiology of the animal host, but environmental pressures experienced by an animal before or at reproductive age can lead to physiological abnormalities in offspring. The impact of such physiological abnormalities on an animal's ability to establish and maintain symbioses with bacterial symbionts is not fully understood, yet, essential for understanding the impact of environmental stressors on the future fitness of a species. The symbiosis between the Hawaiian Bobtail Squid Euprymna scolopes and the bioluminescent marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri presents a robust model for these investigations because the squid contains an organ that is physiologically selective for colonization by V. fischeri and symbiosis can be measured by the bioluminescence production of a squid. The main goal of this work is to identify the effect of environmental stress experienced by E. scolopes on the ability of subsequent generations of offspring to establish and maintain symbiosis with V. fischeri. |
Tim Miyashrio | 119 | |
Renewable Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Substituted Alkenes and 3-Hydroxypropionate Using the Ethylene Forming Enzyme (EFE) | Yash Satyendra Dixit |
Ethylene Forming Enzyme (EFE) is a iron (II) and 2-oxoglutarate dependent enzyme that can produce the compound ethylene as well as trace amounts of 3-hydroxypropionate, a valuable chemical building block with potential to synthesize biodegradable plastics. Our project seeks to perform protein engineering of EFE by amino acid substitutions in the substrate binding pocket such that 3HP is the primary enzymatic product, and also modify the 2-oxoglutarate substrate to synthesize substituted alkenes through the enzyme. |
J. Martin Bollinger Jr. | 34 | |
Religious Governmental Integration and Gendered Violence | Riley Gallagher |
I have investigated the relationship between religious integration in government and gendered violence. In order to control for religious differences, I have limited this study to only include Islam. My study includes 59 countries with a baseline Muslim population of 20%. Islamic religious integration includes constitutional references to Islam, religious political parties, and sharia based law. I hypothesize that with greater religious integration there will be more gendered violence. |
Lee Ann Banaszak | 3 | |
Regulatory Role of NusG-dependent RNA Polymerase Pausing on Expression of tenA in Bacillus subtilis | Alex Baxevanidis and Thomas Breil |
NusG is a universally conserved transcription elongation factor that stimulates RNA polymerase pausing throughout the Bacillus subtilis genome. The 5’ leader of tenA, a gene involved in vitamin B1 (thiamine) metabolism, contains a NusG-dependent pause site within a thiamine-dependent riboswitch. To determine whether pausing regulates transcription of tenA, we conducted β-Galactosidase assays in the presence and absence of thiamine to measure the expression of tenA in wild-type and ∆nusG strains of B. subtilis. |
Paul Babitzke | 208 | |
Quantitative image analysis of mitochondrial opto-droplets | Surya Penna |
Biomolecules assemble into membraneless structures called biomolecular condensates via phase separation. Little is known how condensates behave within a unique physicochemical environment in the cell: the mitochondrion. Here, we develop quantitative image analysis pipelines using Python to study the phase behavior of optogenetically-induced condensates within live mitochondria at super-resolution. We show that these opto-droplets are relatively small, ~200 nm, and have signatures of non-equilibrium fluctuations, which sheds light on the behavior of endogenous mitochondrial condensates. |
Marina Feric | 80 | |
Quantified distances from potential anthropogenic noise used to characterize effects on bluebird cognition | Bailey Betcher |
Anthropogenic noise is an increasing source of pollution with unclear effects on wildlife. We complimented data from experimental manipulation of noise at bluebird nest boxes by quantifying distances to potential sources of noise (human structures) using ArcGIS. Using linear models in RStudio, we will test the association between distance to human structures with number of babies successfully raised. We will compare these results with the experimental results to better characterize anthropogenic noise effects on bluebirds. |
Jason Keagy | 173 | |
Primitive Architecture Fosters Cell Proliferation and Provides Mechanical Strength in 3-D Printed Polycaprolactone | Rachel Bonfini |
This project was made possible through the 2023 Erickson Discovery Grant. Bone fractures are a common occurrence and sometimes require surgical reconstruction. Polycaprolactone (PCL) is a biocompatible and biodegradable material, which can be used for the creation of bone scaffolds. Extrusion-based additive manufacturing (AM) of PCL provides a pathway to designing complex infill architectures that may improve cellular proliferation. The purpose of this project is to determine the combination of porous geometry and layer height setting that provides the best microenvironment for cellular proliferation and bone regeneration. |
Guha Manogharan | 122 | |
Prevalence of non-exclusive breastfeeding in the context of vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy and lactation in Bangladesh. | Sarah Scott |
Vitamin D deficiency, a global health issue, may impact lactation by modulating mammary inflammation and lipid metabolism. In this study, we aimed to examine the impact of vitamin D supplementation on exclusive breastfeeding prevalence during early infancy. We found that the relative prevalence of non-exclusive breastfeeding was lower in early infancy among mothers receiving vitamin D supplements during pregnancy and lactation compared to placebo, but results were inconsistent across supplementation dosage groups. |
Alison Gernand | 48 | |
Presenting a Framework to Address Climate Obstruction Through Activism | Alysha Ulrich |
Climate obstructors are individuals, organizations, and corporations who contribute to the denial, delay, misinformation, deflection, and dismissal of climate science, proposed policies to allay climate change, and/or climate advocacy. This thesis analyzes the influence of climate obstructors on climate inaction. It then identifies climate activism mechanisms relating to consumerism and politics, which are synthesized in a framework. Potential drawbacks of findings, current knowledge gaps in the literature, and suggestions for further research are also discussed. |
Hannah Wiseman | 182 | |
Presence of in vivo metabolites decreases the rate of RNA duplex formation and increases the rate of duplex dissociation | Kelley Melanson |
Insight into the kinetics of RNA folding can facilitate an understanding of the differences between thermodynamically predicted structures and those formed within the cell. Consequently, a fluorescence-detected stopped-flow instrument was used to record fluorescence of RNA duplex formation over millisecond intervals of time as a function of RNA concentration and sequence in different solutions. Analysis of kobs revealed that the kinetics of duplex formation are altered under in vivo-like conditions. |
Philip Bevilacqua | 104 | |
Prediction of the Interfacial Properties of Liquid-Vapor Interfaces Generated by Dilute Solutions | Ben Curlee |
Liquid interfaces are present in many systems of interest, but the behavior of these interfaces can be difficult to predict. This work derives a model, Dilute Solution Theory (DST), for predicting changes to the surface tension and surface excess via a quadratic taylor expansion with respect to solute molality.**Note: I graduated last semester, but I am supported by the Faculty Undergraduate Research Proposals and presenting at a poster session is a requirement. |
William Noid | 211 | |
Plastic Response in Zebrafish Fin Ray Patterning Induced by Alternative Feeding Strategies | Ciara Woodburn and Gabriella Esposito |
The ability of fish fins to display plastic responses has only been reported in the internal skeleton, or endoskeleton, and it is unclear whether the other half of the fin skeleton, the dermal skeleton, can respond in a plastic manner. Here, we test whether plasticity in the dermal fin skeleton can be induced in zebrafish through feeding trials that required altered movement in the water column. We find that the dermal skeleton is capable of plastic response. This shows that swimming in juveniles can affect the patterning of fins and might contribute to the evolution of fin skeletal diversity.in a plastic manner. Here, we test whether plasticity in the dermal fin skeleton can be induced in zebrafish through feeding trials that required altered movement in the water column. We find that the dermal skeleton is capable of plastic response. This shows that swimming in juveniles can affect the patterning offins and might contribute to the evolution of fin skeleal diversity. |
Thomas Stewart | 126 | |
Phosphorylation in a Primordial Soup: Wet-Dry Cycling with Protocells | Sean Zsoldos |
Life, as we know it, is dependent upon phosphates; they are necessary for many extant biomolecules, such as nucleic acids and phospholipids. However, due to low solubility, phosphates would have been limited and unreactive in the prebiotic oceans. To alleviate the phosphate dilemma, complex coacervates were used to dissolve and concentrate phosphate from minerals during wet-dry cycles. Analysis from 31P-NMR showed that phosphorylation of glycerol was achieved in a one-pot crowded environment. |
Christine Keating | 109 | |
PFAS Footprint Calculator | rhea kabir |
Per – and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of over 15,000 synthetic chemicals that have produced since the late 1930's. that have been used in various household and industrial products. The PFAS molecules have a fluorinated carbon chain with various functional groups that give them unique properties well-suited for use in non-stick, stain resistant, and waterproof materials. Additionally, they have been granted the nickname name 'forever' and 'legacy' chemicals due to their slow degradability and persistence in the environment. Despite several of the PFAS compounds being discounted and removed from products in the early 2000's, they are still found in the environment, as well as in the blood of wildlife and humans. Exposure to PFAS may vary depending on occupation and use of items known to contain PFAS. Multiple studies have emphasized the dangers of PFAS exposure, as they bioaccumulate in the environment, animals, and humans. Current research shows increased risk of cancers, infertility, reduced fetal growth, and decreased immune response, prompting a need for further public education and awareness. Because it can be difficult to know how best to reduce exposure to PFAS, we are developing a PFAS Footprint Calculator took that will help families and individuals to understand their exposure to PFAS-containing household and consumer products. Users will enter the number and type of products, such as textiles, cosmetics, and food packing into the footprint tool, and based on a literature review on the amount of PFAS in each product type, the tool will estimate a user’s PFAS footprint. Results of the literature review show that PFAS concentrations vary amongst different companies, states, and products; with production and manufacturing contributing to the variation from item to item. The results of the tool will help the user to identify ways to limit their exposure to PFAS, thereby reducing exposure risk to themselves and their families. Preliminary data collection indicates that textiles and cookware could be major contributors to PFAS exposure. The tool will also serve to educate and raise awareness regarding PFAS-containing products, thereby serving to help improve public health. |
Heather Preisendanz | 12 | |
Pediatric Obesities Associations with Perceptual Reasoning Deficits | Haley Lake, Caleb Yi and Isabella Pizzelanti |
In the United States, 20% of children have obesity. In investigating the cognitive impacts of this disease, 76 children aged 8-10 years old completed the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI) along with a body composition scan. Children with greater weight status had lower block design, but not matric reasoning subtest scores. This indicates diminished perceptual reasoning in children with elevated weight status when fine motor skills are required. |
Aliana Pearce | 155 | |
Panama's Melting Pot and its Impact on Global Supply Chains | Justin Ischinger et al |
As a leader in the supply chain, Panama is a melting pot where numerous cultures coexist, trade, and conduct business. Panama is a key player in the global supply chain because of its diversity, which improves trade connectivity in the Panama Canal and on a worldwide scale. During a week-long embedded travel abroad program, we immersed ourselves in the culture and visited multiple logistics companies to gain valuable insight into Panamanian supply chain operations. |
Felisa Higgins | 105 | |
Outlining the Pathway of Nanoplastic Uptake Through the Trigeminal Nerve | Ava Rohrbaugh |
Ava RohrbaughBiologyacr5882@psu.eduADVISORSPatrick DrewAssociate Director of the Neuroscience Institutepjd17@psu.eduDenver GreenawaltGraduate Studentdig5276@psu.eduKEYWORDSNeurotoxicity, polystyrene, plastics/nanoplastics, trigeminal nerve, endocytosis, air pollution, fluorescenceABSTRACTPlastic is a principal material for most commercial products including water bottles, packaging, and other single-use items. These plastic products will naturally experience mechanical, chemical, and photodegradation which will result in the formation of macro and microplastics. Microplastics can be further degraded into nanoplastics which are toxic to organisms due to their ability to enter more invasive cellular spaces. Nanoplastics can also become airborne and taken in by an organism through the nasal pathway. The reality that microplastics are of increasing concern as a pollutant is not disputed, however, the pathways by which our body internalizes plastic particles and the effects of nanoplastics on our cells need to be further investigated. My project investigates a possible intracellular pathway by studying the in vivo translocation of polystyrene nanoparticles in a mouse model. The goal of this project is to determine if nasally administered polystyrene nanoparticles are endocytosed into the trigeminal nerve (maxillary branch) and translocated to the trigeminal ganglion which is the junction of the trigeminal nerve branches. My contribution to this project was to prepare solutions for nasal administrations, process perfused mice, extract trigeminal ganglia, section samples using a cryostat, and view the trigeminal ganglia on a confocal microscope. The polystyrene nanoparticles I used to model environmental nanoplastics are fluorescently labeled and were imaged in 40um transverse whole-skull sections that included the trigeminal ganglia. |
Denver Greenawalt | 101 | |
Optimizing selectable marker systems for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Theobroma cacao | Emilio Ciervo |
The Theobroma cacao tree, used to make chocolate, struggles with diseases: a problem that could be alleviated through breeding for new varieties. As a tropical tree crop, its long time to maturity and limited geographic range restrict breeding efforts. Genetic engineering could be a faster approach, although current protocols using the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method have low efficiencies. This project aims to optimize the existing protocol by comparing ptxD and SulR to nptII as selectable marker genes for transformed cells. |
Siela Maximova | 220 | |
Optimizing Prebiotic Conditions for Non-enzymatic RNA Synthesis of Complex RNAs From Smaller RNAs | Parker Wood |
RNA is believed to be a key precursor to life, yet the conditions for its transition into a genetic molecule and catalytic unit remain unknown. Here we show that low concentrations of divalent cations and carboxyl-containing organics are likely contributors to increased RNA complexity. These findings support further research with varying organics and divalent cation concentrations. This work has the potential to unveil new insight on the origins of life on Earth and extrasolar bodies. |
Philip Bevilacqua | 44 | |
Optimizing Managerial Approaches Through Plasticity | Lauren Peng |
The widening gap between managers and employees results from the absence of strategies for adapting to evolving workplace values and lack of emphasis on managerial neuroplasticity. This study introduces plasticity, which aids managers with navigating contemporary work environments and enhancing internal branding. This study culminated in the original Plasticity Model, which measures managerial plasticity, and the Internal Branding Plasticity Model (IBPM), which tests relationships between internal branding, plasticity, employee engagement, job satisfaction, and employee loyalty. |
Tulay Girard | 178 | |
Optimization of the Horizontally Polarized Antennas in the Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland (RNO-G) | Devin Sinn |
The Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland utilizes Greenland's lattice ice structure and stations of antennas to detect ultra-high-energy cosmic neutrinos, which are fundamental particles that rarely interact with matter. By chance, a neutrino will interact with the ice structure which emits radiation in the form of radio waves. Optimizing antennas is essential to enhance detection capabilities, offering a new perspective to unravel the mysteries of the universe. |
Stephanie Wissel | 174 | |
One World - Original Song | Rohit Valecha |
From the expanse of the universe to the cell that brings all life to earth, oneness is what we come together for. We sow the seeds of solidarity for a world we imagine and propagate the change, within and beyond us. We stand tall as a kindled conscience that aches at the sound of violence and pushes us in being kindred spirits in practicing radical empathy. Here's celebrating our togetherness- One World. |
Laura Spielvogel | 230 | |
Old Cnidarians Teach New Tricks: Re-analysis of Symbiotic Cnidarians with Modern Approaches Reveal New Patterns of Coevolution. | Sydney Dutton |
Cnidarians owe their success to endosymbionts of Family Symbiodiniaceae by providing hosts energy via photosynthetic products. The phenomenon of bleaching is defined by the loss of these microalgae. Former collections of symbiotic cnidarians from the Indo-Pacific were reassessed with a modern multi-marker approach. Phylogenetic analysis identified multiple, independent groups of coevolution between host and symbionts, providing a better understanding of the evolution of this symbiosis, and revealing underlying host-symbiont association patterns critical to reef conservation. |
Todd LaJeunesse | 66 | |
Novel Phylogenomic Approach to Study Coral Algal Symbionts | Samantha Kratman |
Algal symbionts are critical for the well-being of coral reefs. Dinoflagellates in the family Symbiodiniaceae establish a nutritional photosymbiosis with corals. Unfortunately, increasing marine heat waves break down symbioses between corals and Symbiodiniaceae. Therefore, surveys of Symbiodiniaceae diversity and evolutionary history are crucial to understand coral reef resilience. Traditional genetic markers uncovered the vast genetic diversity of Symbiodiniaceae but have limitations. We aim to establish novel genomic markers (UCEs) to study symbiont diversity and evolution. |
Raúl González-Pech | 167 | |
Northern prickly ash (Zanthoxylum americanum): Documentation in central Pennsylvania for conservation and cultivation | Jackie Baker |
Zanthoxylum species are used worldwide for food and medicine, yet we know little about our native species. Largely regarded as a weedy tree, this is a potentially useful plant that often gets overlooked. I sought to discover and document at least ten populations in Pennsylvania using historical records. I found that the plant has often been displaced by invasives and is often not fruiting. There are many different avenues for further research into its uses. |
Eric Burkhart | 201 | |
NMR analysis of the structural ensemble of FoxO1 | Emma Kraft |
This research poster investigates changes in the structural ensemble of FoxO1, a crucial transcription factor implicated in various cellular processes. Utilizing novel carbon direct-detect NMR techniques, we analyze how the post-translational modification of acetylation influences FoxO1's conformational dynamics. Our findings shed light on the intricate interplay between FoxO1's structure and function, providing valuable insights into its regulatory mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets for diseases such as cancer and metabolic disorders. |
Scott Showalter | 67 | |
Ninein as a Minus End Microtubule-Associated Protein in Drosophila Dendrites | Olivia Abboud |
The dysfunction of microtubules has been linked to the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Microtubules are polymers of tubulin that form the cytoskeleton of cells and provide cell structure and integrity. Microtubules are required throughout the life of a neuron to maintain shape and to facilitate the transport of substances across axons and dendrites. The molecular mechanisms behind the stability of microtubules in neurons is not well understood. |
Melissa Rolls | 76 | |
Neural Overlaps in the Medial Temporal Lobe for Young Adults During Successful Memory in Item and Associative Encoding Conditions | Istneydina Thomas |
The present study analyzes the neural overlaps of successful memory in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) for single items and associative pairs oriented proximally and distally. Results showed an increase in neural activity from the single, proximal, and distal conditions, reflecting the increasing difficulty of the respective tasks. There was more neural overlap in the proximal and distal conditions than in the proximal and single conditions. |
Nancy Dennis | 103 |